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Hi!  I'm Megan

I am wonderfully loved by my husband of ten years and our two kids, Caleb & Kensi.  We live in the southern U.S. and have been walking our faith journey together since 2008 when we started dating.  We used to walk, talk and pray our way through a neighborhood with incredible old trees with deep, strong roots.  The neighborhood was filled with pockets of jasmine, and at night in late spring it would bloom so that you walked through the fragrance before ever seeing where it came from.  God not only teaches me through His word, He uses those in my life.  The fragrance of faith in the lives of those I know has affected me every step of the way.


Thank you for joining the journey at Faith Like Jasmine!  We hope to hear your stories as well along the way.


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No More Hiding: A Collection of Poetry

In the fall of 2020, my husband and I celebrated our tenth anniversary.  We sat down on a date night a few months earlier and wrote out our dreams.  The big, crazy limitless ones that don't have boundaries.  One of those for me was to publish a book.  And so as my gift to him I did just that.  'No More Hiding' is a poetic offering of a faith journey. It explores raw emotions and spiritual growth in simple and complex ways. While some poems embrace childlike faith and enthusiasm, others are full of doubt as we are exposed to the aches, suffering, fear and loss. We live in a world juxtaposing light and darkness every day. 'No More Hiding' can help us navigate those days and seasons with sometimes uncomfortable vulnerability, so that we may find that God is in it all. He is in our joy and our sorrow. And He can handle our anger and our doubts.


Order a copy today!  Available in on Amazon, and most other book retailers.

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