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Bartimaeus the Bold

How comfortable are you? How flexible? How deep?

The passage in Hebrews unmistakably throws down the challenge – are you maturing? ‘So let’s press on to maturity, by moving on from the basics about Christ’s word.’ Clearly, Paul is coming across our all-too-common weakness of being spoon fed, remaining on milk and not the meat. If that’s where you struggle, you can take comfort that you are not alone. Mankind struggles with keeping things easy for our entire existence.

It’s easier to coast in neutral.

There’s less conflict. Less discomfort. Less disappointment.

And less triumph. Less growth. Less intimacy with God.

Bartimaeus doesn’t coast in neutral when Jesus shows up. This blind beggar knows only what he hears from travelers, from shared gossip and overheard conversations. Waiting at the roadside or a city gate probably afforded a lot to hear. But his hearing went past just taking it in. Bartimaeus discerned and listened. And when Jesus arrived, he knew exactly who he was.

And Bartimaeus made everyone uncomfortable. He called out, then shouted louder. He is a captivating example of faith in action. His faith, his belief of who Jesus was, wasn’t complacent or passive. It was loud. It was persistent.

Even when he received his healing and Jesus told him to ‘go’ – Bartimaeus followed. Life was suddenly full of vibrancy and possibility for Him! It was also vulnerable to discomfort, disappointment and definitely to conflict. But Bartimaeus choose to step toward that instead of staying where he was.

He could have done well, telling everyone he met in his town about his healing and telling them of Jesus. Bartimaeus, though, wanted Jesus, not just his healing.

So how comfortable have you gotten recently? Has the pandemic caused a shift toward a gospel-centered life, or away from it? It’s been pretty easy to hole up, seek self-preservation, in the name of health and safety. But the longer it has lasted, the more we have coasted on neutral – waiting for it all to be over.

But waiting isn’t passive. And neither should our faith be.

Over the coming weeks, let’s challenge each other to shift out of neutral. Take a page out of Bartimaeus’ book and shout for His attentions, knowing He is our only answer.

Are you willing to get uncomfortable? Flex a little? Or a lot?

Jesus. Make us uncomfortable, Lord. Shift us out of the complacent places in our hearts. Help us to engage with those around us. There is risk in faith, but we choose You. There is the potential for hurt and disappointment, but we choose You. Speak to each of us in the coming weeks about where we need to grow. Holy Spirit helps to draw closer in intimacy with our Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The readings appointed for Sunday October 24:

Psalm 13; Isa 59:9-19; Heb 5:12-6:1, 9-12; Mark 10:46-52

Translation: Common English Bible

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