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Give Sunshine

1 Thessalonians 5:11 tell us, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." Encouragement is such a tremendous part of the human condition. We can be encouraged into goodness, into evil, into beneficial habits or bad ones. We can be encouraged to thrive or fail. We can exceed our circumstances simply because of a voice of encouragement in our ears.

But what if you aren't a natural encourager? What if you're not creative or good with words? If your loved ones were depending on your encouragement, what would you do?

Given any other thing you would do research, you would lean on the wisdom of others. We are instructed to learn the Word, to pray and to teach our children His promises. If teaching is not your gifting, you don't simply give up and let the chips fall where they may - you proactively get your children to a good teacher. If you are struggling to pray, you read great literature on how to pray. If you aren't sure how to read through the Bible, you find a study guide that will walk you through.

Yet something in us stumbles over encouragement. Clearly, God desires us to encourage one another - build one another up. We are to bring hope, joy, perseverance and faithfulness into each other's hearts and lives. To speak life and bring light - to believers and nonbelievers. This isn't an exclusive option.

Sunshine: someone or something (such as a person, condition, or influence) that radiates warmth, cheer, or happiness

This is your visual - that you have the privilege to walk into someone's life or circumstance and share sunshine with them.

For most of my life I have walked in the gift of encouragement, as far back as I can remember I was seeing people and somehow seeing what would speak to them. These days, I have to temper myself because I can get carried away. Operating in our gifts can be energizing and exciting! If you didn't realize, however, there is a pace to encouragement. You can't spray someone with a firehose and then anticipate a happy glow of gratitude. Especially for a person that is hurting or grieving, go slow and be gracious.

Encouragement is not about you.

That may seem oversimplified, but it's a root truth that you need to internalize. Encouraging someone will be sacrificial, it will require something of you, and you need to have absolutely zero expectation of how it will be received.

Here are a few ideas to get your mind focused:

- what makes that person light up?

- what does that person gravitate to?

- what is your relationship to that person?

- how does God want to bring His light into their circumstance?

An example: do they have a favorite snack/drink/song/movie? Maybe you can send them a GIF by text with a clip from their favorite movie, letting them know you're thinking about them. Can the lyrics from their favorite song be personalized for them? Offer to drop by their home or work with their favorite drink, just because.

I came across an idea that is brilliant - both in color and creativity - and it can be a perfect place to start! Ever heard of a Sunshine Box? You can read about them all over the internet, so apparently I'm late to the show. But especially in the days we're living in when people live farther apart - both family & friends, and COVID has kept so many isolated, this is a fantastic vehicle for showering light into someone's life.

Below I'm going to give you ideas of things to include in a box or basket if you want to get creative and build one out yourself. There are also several links of places where you can get these Sunshine Boxes pre-made and shipped directly to that special person in need of a little pick up. Typically these boxes are filled with YELLOW items - hello sunshine - but can also include other bright, cheery colors and patterns.

Ideas for your box:

  • Snacks

  • Lotion

  • Candles

  • Books

  • Postcards, Photographs

  • Fancy shampoo/conditioner

  • Candy

  • Journal, Notebook

  • Nail Polish

  • Scarf

  • Canned drink

  • Silly yellow emojis

  • Small balloons

  • Coffee Mug

  • Flowers

Get the idea yet? Try to make it as personal as you can. For the mom with the new baby, maybe a few self-care items, a candle and her favorite treats. She's spending all her energy on that new little bundle - why don't you spend the energy on her? This reminds her that she is still seen, she has not disappeared beneath the diapers. How about your kid's teacher? He could definitely use a thank you and a ray of sunshine in the midst classroom chaos! So, throw together some manly snacks, energy drinks, a bag of jerky or trail mix, and a thank you card to let him know that he is still known and seen. Not what he does, but who he is.

Check out an Etsy store for something unique or personalized!

Find a company that specializes in Sunshine!

So, now, no excuses. Find a way. Do more research. Dig into more scripture. The more you practice, the easier it will get. Drop a line in the comments and let me know your ways of encouraging others! We could all benefit from sharing ideas and experiences in this area. Whether it's taking out your neighbor's trash can for them or keeping your boss's favorite candy on hand - find ways to be that sunshine and lift one another up.

Yeah, I went there. It's Katrina and The Waves, 'Walkin on Sunshine' - because you need a kick to get you started! Now every time I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down, 'cause I just can't wait... I'm walkin' on sunshine, and don't it feel GOOD!

Light up someone's mailbox with some sunshine and make sure they know they are still loved, they are still seen and known by you and Father God. Go. Pick someone - preferably today!

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