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God Said.

Here is what we need this week. This is the root we need to cling to when the mudslide comes, for us or a loved one. God spoke and you are. The same God that brought every animal to Adam to name in the garden and placed him to rule over His handiwork with glory and grandeur, spoke your name.

Before you were born, Jesus looked at you carefully and he loved you.

And he loved your spouse.

And your co-worker.

And the worker at the gas station, the waitress working the lunch rush, and your dentist.

It is good.

Don’t let your perception of what is good cloud your vision or your understanding. After all, you have to admit He created some pretty odd things. Platypus? Squid? Slugs? Cauliflower? Termite mounds? And He named all of it good.

And His is the word that counts. His is the glory we are in awe of, daily.

(‘God Said, a poem by Megan Griffin)

God Said.

Let there be light.

Morning creeps in, the sun revealing each stone, leaf and feather.

God was in the darkness, in the Night. And He is in the Day.

The beasts stretch and hunt, their presence wading through morning dew.

Sky touches earth as heaven touches earth. It is good.

Let the earth grow life..

Day fills the void and life breathes – quiet and unmistakable.

Seeds fall in season, fruit in season and wilt in the same.

God is in the earth, in the fruitfulness. And He is in the death.

There is no toil, no discernment or hesitation as life reaches high and deep.

Colors, textures, scents all finely tuned and chosen like an orchestra. It is good.

Let there be lights in the sky..

Evening wanes, seamlessly bridging the earth to stillness.

Eden expels a deep breath, nestling under His wing.

God is in the quiet. As He is in the symphony.

He has etched the sky with intricate light. He has pierced darkness.

Life does not pause for lack of light; it shifts. It is good.

Let the waters swarm with living things, and let birds fly..

In the water lies a richness. In its movement lies life.

A river flows from Eden, nourishing in all its ways.

God is in the crashing of waves, the dervish of winds. It is His dance.

Winged life prevails the storms; man’s skin is cooled by His touch.

In the form of feathers, He hides His secrets. It is good.

Let us make humanity in our image..

And He set me here, amongst the thorns of the rose and gentle breeze.

He bids me walk in evening’s glow and be still.

God is in the soil between my toes, the rush in my ears. As He is in Jesus.

Crafted with thought, breathed into by holiness, I am here.

I am whole. Fully alive, fully imperfect, fully wanted. It is good.

Father God, we are humbled to be your creation. Our hearts quiver at the irrefutable truth that You have declared us to be good. How can we be good with all our sin, our faults, our misalignment? Holy Spirit help us remember this week that our goodness is not based on what we do or who we strive to become. It is based on Him. We are rooted in Him. Lord, let that be our anchor as the waves crash against us, telling us so many wretched whispers. Gives us words to speak and hears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The readings appointed for Sunday October 3:

Psalm 8; Genesis 2:18-24; Hebrews 2:9-18; Mark 10:2-9.

Translation: Common English Bible

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