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Magnify vs Grumble

‘Do not grumble.’

Jesus’ words followed me this week. It’s been a challenging week in too many ways. Those are the pressing times. When we get squeezed and we see what truly comes out. The responses that erupt instead of the ones that are filtered.

Psalm 34 is filled with such rejoicing and a heart of gratitude that it should be easy to replace my grumbling with the praises the psalmist uses. ‘Magnify the Lord with me!’ in verse 3 was my fall back in this challenging week. Holy Spirit brought it to mind several times – when I was willing to be still and listen. And in those spaces I paused to adore Him. To remind my heart that He has been faithful and to list out the ways He has shown up for me and our family in the past.

Our enemy whispers in our ear all the ways that it seems God has failed us or fallen short, but when we examine those whispers carefully they don’t hold up against scripture. They don’t hold up against the character of God. But some days, the evidence gives witness to our brokenness. And in our brokenness it can be easy to believe the lies.

Both the psalm and the old testament reading implore us to remember God’s deliverance. In Deuteronomy the reminder is articulated in an important way. We didn’t do it. We did not deliver ourselves. We did not find the answer that was worthy. In Chapter 8 we hear the beautiful echo of God led you on the long road and He is bringing you through to goodness.

He is bringing you through to goodness.

He is.

There is not a maybe. By chance. Stay hopeful. Pray it in!

And the only part that is yours… to keep his commandments. Your obedient faithfulness, no matter what chaos may come. That is your part. That is what God’s heart longs for as we see it here.

The passages in Ephesians 4:26-32 give us instructions for pleasing God! How brilliant! In case you were agonizing over what it is supposed to look like…’re over complicating it. So have I. Many many times.

Our part is to faithfully obey, imitate God and follow the example of Christ. For just as He was the sacrificial offering that smelled sweet to God, so do we desire to be.

So when your thoughts begin to grumble, remind yourself of the glories and goodness on the long journey you have already traveled with Him. And keep your eyes on Him, knowing that He is the I AM. And He IS bringing you through to goodness.

Father God, walk with us this week as we seek to praise You. May the words of our lips be pleasing and sweet to Your heart. May our actions be the overflow of Your presence in our lives, evidence of greater things. Help us Holy Spirit to grumble less and glorify more! And continue to teach us how to walk out our salvation with fear and trembling. In Jesus' name, Amen.

The readings appointed for Sunday August 8:

Psalm 34:1-8; Deuteronomy 8:1-10; Ephesians 4:25-5:2; John 6:37-51.

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