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Prayer Over the Week

Nothing is impossible with God.

Build our house.

Be His house.

Teach us.

Teach us, Lord, for nothing is impossible with You.

Father God, you are our fullness. You are our answer in the void.

And Your word tells us when you speak something forth it will not return void.

It has life. It has authority. And nothing is impossible for You.

Lord, teach us to number our days so we can have a wise heart. We humbly stretch before your majesty declaring openly that we do not have the answers. We do not make all the right choices. We are fallible and we ache now for you to fill that void. Speak forth life.

The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.

Help us, Father! Help us. Do not stand idly by and watch us pull apart the house we have prayed for. Grant us wisdom from Holy Spirit so that we might strengthen and fortify against the tactics and labors of our enemy. Every house is built by someone,

but God, YOU are the builder of everything.

Teach us. Teach us to be Your house. Teach us to be that which you will indwell, forever.

For You gave us Emmanuel – God with us. So come now, come be with us.

Come be in the trenches.

Come be on the mountain tops.

Come be in our tears.

Come be our laughter.

Holy Spirit fill our thoughts with Christ-like purpose and help us to empty of our earthly concerns.

By ourselves this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Speak into our void and fill it with wisdom, faithfulness and perseverance.

“You’re full of life now

And full of passion

That’s how he made you

Just let it happen”

We pray all of this,

in the might of Jesus' name.


If you have time, take a moment to listen to 'Let It Happen' by United Pursuit, featuring Andrea Marie. For He has come to indwell you - you are full of life, full of passion. It IS how He has made you. LISTEN HERE

The readings appointed for Sunday October 10:

Psalm 90:1-8, 12; Amos 5:6-7, 10-15; Hebrews 3:1-6; Mark 10:17-27*.

Translation: Common English Bible

*Confession: last week’s blog I used the wrong gospel section. Apologies if you see the repeat!

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