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Quest for Rest

I’m pretty sure I have spent roughly the last 3 months with the revolving thoughts of, “I need to learn about sabbath. I need to rest better. I’ll do that after I get this done.”

And we all know how that ends. Life keeps rolling merrily along – the good and the restless – and that valuable thing we want to reach for continues to elude us. And now at the end of summer, I find myself without any profound ideas, measurable change or rest accomplished.

Are you riding that wave too? All of us in our boats of various sizes, getting rhythmically dragged forward as time ceases to pause. Because that’s what it feels like it will take. Time itself has to pause so that we can actually rest. Right? The needs of life and all the wonderful people in it will have to stop needing and requiring of us so that we can pause and rest.

Which will never…ever…happen.

I’ll share with you the little I am learning and hope that God will weave the fragments into something we can stretch into. In the eternally familiar Psalm 23 we read:

He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.

I figured this was an easy place to start – this beautiful psalm with all it’s imagery that fills even children’s picture books. Two things struck me here: the fact that God is the one in control and the words used to describe his actions. Leading connotes invitation, it feels gentle. Restoring invokes hope. Guidance brings assurance. However, being made to do something feels different entirely.

He makes me lie down… He does not invite me to relax. It does not sound at all optional. Yet, that’s precisely the category it has now been relegated to, hasn’t it? We fit in rest wherever we can squeeze it, or we simply shrug and keep rolling along the wave.

Try this on: To rest is to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself or recover strength. Rest is not giving up or being lazy. It is, in fact, essential, foundational and commanded.

Rest is restorative.

I find that I need to, as God’s daughter, set time apart. I haven’t figured out what that will look like yet or how to create the new rhythm our family needs. But I am recognizing my need for rest. Real rest. Restorative rest that strengthens my soul and quiets my heart. Not a guilt-free night watching Netflix.

So I’m digging in – reading scripture, listening to podcasts (and relistening to them because apparently I forgot the first time I heard it) and reading articles. I’m gleaning whatever I can to make this intangible concept something I can strive for and execute well. It was a quest for rest because after all, if I don’t do it and do it well…life will crumble. Then I read an article by Laura Wifler, Sabbath Rest is for Busy Moms, and she cut to a root issue I hadn’t identified yet in myself.

“We’re afraid to rest, because we don’t trust God to rule over our world—or at least, do it the way we would. Yet, in Christ, our striving for “good mom” status was nailed to the cross.”

I don’t know what your root issue may be, but God is revealing some of mine. Instead of simply teaching me theories and methods of rest, He is peeling back the layers and teaching me why I avoid rest. Teaching me what my barriers are to what I so evidently crave and innately need.

He is not allowing me to settle simply on learning a new routine. Because that won’t suffice for changing my heart. And rest is about refreshing and restoring our souls & hearts. I have the feeling that to get there, I am going to have to be intentional and vulnerable with Him.

This is what the Lord says:

“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. Jer 6:16

Forgive us, Father God, for simply striving. For chasing the good goals and milestones. Forgive us for making the milestone, the habit, the ultimate focus. Open our hearts and teach us about the journey. We stand at the crossroads and ask what Your good way is, seeking Your rest for our souls. For You give peace not as the world gives. You restore past the understanding of this world. And we crave it immensely. Holy Spirit draw us in closer, inspiring us to breathe – eyes closed and mind on pause – that we might hear the Lord’s direction on the ancient paths. Lead us, restore us and make us lie down. We trust you, In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Worship: In the Room, Jon Reddick; Gonna Be Alright, Ryan Ellis

Pray: (Breathe In) When I make room for rest, (Breathe Out) Father God will restore & refresh me

Read: Sabbath Rest is for Busy Moms, by Laura Wifler

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