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I hope you were ready for the week. Because it’s here.

And I’m having weather whiplash.

You know, the wonderful tease of fall when you first wake up. I throw open all the windows and want to curl up outside with a good book and cup of tea. But by lunchtime, the house is closed tight, I’m cranking up the A/C and cringing at the sunshine that is now giving me a headache.

Been playing this routine for a few days now, can you tell? I feel inspired to write, to dream and to sit with God when the cool breeze blows, but when the heat begins to pinch I get cranky, exhausted and discouraged. Oh how I want to be steadfast in Him!

Psalms like 116 are a beautiful place to run when we are weary because they build up our spirits again. Almost like fortifying your spiritual immune system.

He is merciful…He protects…He delivers…He is compassionate…He is good to us…

There is a challenging whisper coming to us this week from James. “What good is it if people say they have faith but do nothing to show it?...Instead, I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action.”

Is it your faith that rises up each day? Even when you are weary, hurting and stretched…do you reach for Him and declare that He is merciful and compassionate? Do you walk your days out in faithful action?

Even the mighty Peter took his eyes off Jesus when the waves grew large, and he began to sink. See, it isn’t that we’re going to have faith mighty enough to keep us from sinking or hold us from distraction. Our faith comes into action when, like Peter, we reach up and cry out, “Lord, save me!”

So even if it’s a brilliant start to the week and you don’t ‘feel’ like you need it yet, build up your spirit. Remind your heart of who He is. In the gospel of Mark, Jesus asks plainly, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ And while that passage is often drawn on as declaration of Jesus as the Christ, I think it reflects who we are as well. How we answer that question, reveals our identity. And so if we are reminding ourselves that He is a restorer, our deliverer, our strong tower…we come into alignment with who He made us to be.

Will you stand with me this week saying, “I’ll keep the promises I made to the Lord”?

Jesus. Compassionate, fiery Jesus. You are the one who laid down your life so long ago, in a moment in time we can hardly comprehend. Be with us this week and ask us the hard questions. Send your Holy Spirit empower the faithful actions we take and anoint our words each morning to speak of who you are. Help us to be faithful to keep the promises we have made to you, O Lord. For you are our God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The readings appointed for Sunday September 5:

Psalm 116; Isaiah 50:4-9; James 2:1-5, 8-10, 14-18; Mark 8:27-38

Translation: Common English Bible

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