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Turn on the Oven

Pure. Peaceful. Gentle. Obedient. Filled with mercy and good actions. Fair and genuine.

This is how proverbs describes wisdom from heaven. Doesn’t it sound amazing?

So, why don’t we seek it more? Why don’t our lives revolve around asking and listening? If wisdom is offered out freely to us, it would follow that we ought to give it a shot.

Sometimes I don’t ask from a false idea that I should already know the answer. And so I labor under the lie that I shouldn’t be wrestling or struggling, I can figure this out. Sometimes I don’t ask because I don’t want to know the answer. I like the scenario I’ve planned out and I feel wise for deciding it. By myself.

Neither of those will help me walk in good fruit.

Recently this has played out most clearly in parenting. I absolutely adore my children, am fascinated by them and my heart floats to see them grow and learn. And my heart also caves in on itself when I cannot seem to get past certain behaviors or stages. I tell myself that I can handle this. I’ve prayed. I’ve listened to podcasts. I’ve listened to other moms over the years. I’ve read articles and parts of books!

Did you notice something missing?

I am still wrestling it out by myself. Wisdom from heaven? That doesn’t apply here.

But wait, I could seriously use the peace, the good actions, the gentleness and obedience. From the kids and in myself. I can only find that when I ask Him. Wisdom freely offered only works for you when you ask and listen. If you refuse Wisdom’s correction or advise, you’re on your own and will truly “eat from the fruit” of your own way.

Yesterday I made sweet potatoes to have with dinner. We coat them in cinnamon and a little salt, then bake them in the oven. The kids eat them like candy! It’s the first thing off their plates. So I can easily throw them in the oven and finish the rest of dinner while they cook away on their own. It’s a win-win shall we say.

The oven doesn’t work unless you turn it on.

Wisdom is no good to me unless I ask and obey. It tells us clearly, “accept my words and store up my commands.” This isn’t a plot to impede your independence or take away your free will. Heavenly wisdom gives you healthy guard rails. It places your heart and your feet on the best path.

So this week let’s try letting go of our own understanding, our pride, or our fear and seek His wisdom. Wisdom that is pure, peaceful and filled with mercy. Let’s move away from selfish ambition. Just try it. What have you got to lose?

Lord, you offer us so many good things. You desire to equip us for the lives laid out before us. But it’s only effective when we ask and receive from You. Forgive us for being proud and ambitious. Holy Spirit help our fear to be of the Lord God and not of the things of this world. Help us cling to Him instead of ourselves. And, Father….help us bear the weight of your wisdom. Guide us along the path You have chosen for us even if it is a bit uncomfortable at first. New shoes take breaking in, just like new thought patterns and decisions. We accept Your wisdom and await your peace, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The readings appointed for Sunday September 5:

Psalm 54; Proverbs 1:16-2:1; James 3:16-4:6; Mark 9:30-37.

Translation: Common English Bible

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