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I have always found this passage in the book of John to be rather raw. To the believer, it has eternal context and meaning. To the unbeliever it is graphic and alarming, at best. Either way, it can often make us uncomfortable.

Isn’t that what the gospel is intended to do though, make us uncomfortable?

We’ve all experienced throughout the past 5 years that truths, facts, and experiences can be quite raw. They can turn our context upside down if we aren’t rooted well. We can feel tossed in turmoil, like a ship on high seas in a storm. If we aren’t careful, we start to question some of our foundation and find ourselves in a paradigm shift that brings doubt and fear.

We must live daily reaching for His wisdom, as Ephesians explains this week, so that we do not live foolishly. His wisdom will allow us to discern what to listen to, to recognize what is Truth and what are lies. And when we ‘submit to each other out of respect for Christ’ we maintain our roots in Him. We can overcome our differences of opinion on current events, politics, etc. in favor of wholeness in the Body.

Rather than being struck by something profound in this week’s readings, I find that it is full of reminders. God’s word carefully reminding us of His greatness and character, of our need for Him, and of His plan for our redemption. And isn’t that the story in a nutshell? A foundation to draw back to continually?

He is Almighty.

We need Him.

He came for us.

God heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. God counts the stars by number, giving each one a name. (Psalm 147:3-4)

This is who your Father is – He heals you when you are broken.

This is who your King is – He has named every star in existence then, now and forever.

This is the one who sits with you. Bleeds with you. Mourns with you.

This is the one who rejoices with you. Dances over you. Anoints you.

I hope that this week we allow Him to make us uncomfortable and in that place we seek His wisdom, rather than the wisdom we find in the world around us.

Father God, challenge us this week. Convict us in the places that have become too comfortable, the places that are too much like the world. Birth in us a craving for Your wisdom, to see and hear what the Spirit will say to us. Open our hearts by your graciousness that we might grown in our faithfulness to each other. May our fragrance be pleasing unto you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The readings appointed for Sunday August 15:

Psalm 147; Proverbs 9:1-6; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:53-59.

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