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What He Knew Beforehand

Some nights, some days, I get an itch to write and I crave the creative challenge. The creative outlet of words. I found myself in that place today, as I drove around town running errands with our kids. Now that they are in bed, my husband working on business 'things' at the table beside me...I write.

Holy Spirit dangled 1 Peter in my mind and in reading, I was inspired by verses 2 and 8 in the first chapter. I hope you can hear their echo, and God's outpouring to you, through this poem. May His grace and peace be multiplied to you.

1 Peter 1:2, 8

God the Father chose you because of what he knew beforehand. He chose you through the Holy Spirit’s work of making you holy and because of the faithful obedience and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. May God’s grace and peace be multiplied to you.

Although you’ve never seen him, you love him. Even though you don’t see him now, you trust him and so rejoice with a glorious joy that is too much for words.

What He Knew Beforehand

You are chosen.

Not before now.

Not some date in the future.

Now. You are. By the


You see, your Father knows you –

Every outward element

Ever hidden secret –

And He has chosen you.

There is no measure of surprise or chance. It is His deliberate choice. You.

Because He knew.

You see, your Father knows you –

The moments before the womb,

The shadows in your last days –

And He has chosen you.

Holy Spirit is crafting your holiness,

Using the faithful obedience of Christ

To create grooves within your soul.

Patterns of praise.

Wellsprings of worship.

Echoes of eternity which draw you closer.

Sacrifice. Multiplication.

May it abound in your new breath,

May it envelope your new heart.

For grace and peace are crashing

Around and through you, like a tempest.

So you adore Him. Unhinged and unhindered.

You see, your Father knows you –

What tempts the corners of your mind,

What cravings your heart conceals –

And He has chosen you.

Despite never gazing on His face, you love.

You love fierce, reckless, into uncharted territory.

Ambiguity can hardly write a clear map,

Yet knowing Him, in the unseen, is irrefutable.

Despite never gazing on His face, you trust.

You trust with joyous trepidation,

Patterns of praise, wellsprings of worship.


You see, your Father knows you –

The unspoken anticipation of forever,

The dreams held at fingertips –

And He has chosen you.

Moment of Worship: 'You Know Me' by Stephanie Gretzinger

More to Ponder: 'Worship as Wreckage' by Jonathan David Helser

Prayer: (Breathe In) I am seen not forgotten, (Breathe Out) I hide myself in Him

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