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What is Your Answer?

This week’s readings could be considered intense. After talking with his disciples about his coming death, two of them decide to boldly ask to be seated beside him in heaven. Obviously they are passionate – the sons of thunder! – but they cannot possibly grasp what they are asking. Jesus even seems doubtful or skeptical. Are you sure? Really?

In the denomination I grew up in, we had a process called confirmation in which a young adult I asked to affirm their beliefs. The conversation here in Mark with Jesus, James and John is reminiscent of this celebration for me. After each question, the confirmation candidate will repeat, ‘I will, with God’s help.’ Jesus’ pointed question of his two friends is simply answered, ‘We can.’

And you can. You do know that, don’t you? You can do all of these things – scary and amazing and inconceivable – with God’s help. Jesus doesn’t ask them how. They don’t talk about what it’s going to look like, there are no logistics. Can you? The answer is plain – we can. So often I get trapped in the analytical cyclone of how, when, where, and making a plan. I like a plan. If I have a plan I can also make a back up plan. But there’s no plan B without plan A.

God’s plan A is often ‘go.’

Think way back to Abram. A man who didn’t know God existed, answered with a yes. God gave Abram no indication of what the future would look like or how to make it happen. But Abram didn’t seem to get lost in all that. Maybe that was Sara’s job. Imagine that conversation in a tent.

‘God told us it’s time to go.’

‘Who’s God?”

‘I’m not entirely sure yet. But He’s great.’

‘Uh-huh Go where?’

‘Not sure exactly. But He’s faithful.’

‘I see.’ (Pause) ‘We can leave day after tomorrow.’

That simplicity sounds, well, simple. It sounds basic. But holy cow is it hard. It is hard to just say ‘yes’ or ‘I will’ and not follow up with anything. No questions. No worries. Just trust. How does that look for you? Do you hand over your cares to Him, only to pick them back up when prayer time is done? Or have you stopped throwing the bloody sacrifice back over your shoulder instead of leaving it at His feet because you know and trust who He is?

because God’s word is living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates to the point that it separates the soul from the spirit and the joints from the marrow. It’s able to judge the heart’s thoughts and intentions. No creature is hidden from it, but rather everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we have to give an answer. Heb 4:12-13

Your belief – or unbelief – is exposed. He sees it. We can hide nothing from Him, even if we manage to hide it from ourselves with years of carefully crafted fig leaves. And He knows why we each hide as well. He is able to judge our hearts and our intentions.

And He has offered us grace.

Often times there are still consequences to walk out, and He will help you walk through those as well. But His grace is sure. His grace is sufficient. His grace will pierce your heart of stone and separate the goodness in you from the sin, if you let Him.

In Psalm 91:14-15 we find the last of these intense passages. God says, ‘Because you are devoted to me, I’ll rescue you. I’ll protect you because you know my name. Whenever you cry out to me, I’ll answer. I’ll be with you in troubling times. I’ll save you and glorify you.’






Did you catch all that? Offer Him your devotion and He is yours. All that He is and all that He has. And how stunning the confrontation in my heart when He declares that He will glorify me. I can’t do. Won’t do. Don’t feel worthy of it. But in the same breath that my Father offers me protection and answers, He also makes me worthy of Him.

So, will you let Him this week? Do you willingly take your questions, your needs, your unspoken secrets to Him? Is your answer going to be ‘I will, with God’s help’?

He makes you worthy. No man, no woman, can change that. Nothing you do or say can change that. Because He loves you. And His love is unconditional, unfathomable, incomparable and undeniable.

Are you ready?

Father God, You are majestic and Your sovereignty gives us comfort. Your peace envelopes us. Help us this week with wisdom, with courageous hearts as we are confronted with life. Courage to stay closer to You than the world. Wisdom of the Word to be able to cut away what doesn’t belong in our lives. Help us to wash ourselves in the Word. Holy Spirit, hide us so deeply in Him that when He asks it of us, we will not hesitate or doubt. The faith of our hearts will confidently whisper, ‘I will’ in Jesus’ name. Amen.

The readings appointed for Sunday October 17:

Psalm 91:9-16; Isa 53:4-12; Heb 4:12-16; Mark 10:35-45.

Translation: Common English Bible

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1 Comment

Gregory Cox
Gregory Cox
Oct 19, 2021

Well done. Very true!

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