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Your Doorframes Need Words

Best laid plans provide a lot of training ground for grace & flexibility. I’ve had to swallow my fair share over the years as God has whittled down the stubborn sharp edges and proud corners. This week I struggled – daily – with not getting up this post when I wanted to. I have a pattern, a habit, I am desiring to form and I didn’t think I was asking that much. A whole week between posts! That should be easy enough.


Enter kids. Two under age 5. Two dogs. Husband. Job. Car accidents. Ear infections

And yet I wasn’t willing to give myself room to wiggle. I was stuck on meeting a performance mark. By Tuesday night I sat down and poured through the scriptures, taking notes, checking a commentary. And it was convicting. It was eye opening. But when I went to write – I couldn’t focus or form a thought.

Still no grace. Grumbling.

Wednesday night I created a graphic (see the free pdf at the end!) to share with you! It was fun. Creative outlets and projects are cathartic for me. Even then, I couldn’t grasp more than the verse in front of me. I couldn’t bring it to life.

Enter Thursday. It’s been an extra tight week at work and in the midst of my scattered execution of everything, God sent people. He sent hands and feet. He sent blessing. Words were spoken to me and over me again and again. God was whispering to me while I ran around.

You’re making it too complicated.

“Okay, fine. What then? I don’t want to fail at this, Lord. I know that this is something you are asking me to create and do in this season. But I feel like I’m falling short, over and over again.”

You are highly valued and praised.

You are such a sweet spirit.

You are living in a way that is seen.

You did an amazing job.

You are wonderful.

One thing stood out from this week’s readings above the rest. His great commandment. His profound baseline for life. Our ability to do or be anything else stems from our relationship with Him through this commandment. This isn’t like the mandates we are so used to hearing these days about masks and distancing. Regulations that make us fight.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your being and all your strength.

Deuteronomy 6:5

We have been talking to our kids about the fruit of the spirit, learning to practice and pray for them as a family. But I realized this week that I have not taught them this powerhouse of a verse. I haven’t taught them the plumb line. This has to come first. And it has to come first for me, too.

And the fact that Jesus taught about it in the new testament affirms it’s centrality, it’s significance. It isn’t simply an old testament promise or statement. We are given the mandate to love Him and to each our children, our children’s children. We need to write it on our doorframes so that we can see it daily. Multiple times a day.

We need the reminder.

And He knew that, too. That’s why He gave the mandate as he did. Just like a child that needs to hear or do something over and over again, so do we need to see and hear His words over and over again.

That being said, let’s keep it simple. Love Father God with all of your heart, all of your being and all of your strength. Find a place in your home to put the words. See it over and over again.

Father God, you have pursued us over and over again. You have sought our hearts in the midst of a desert season. You have sought to captivate us when we strayed to other loves. You have humbled us with Your faithfulness and compassion. Thank you for Your grace and Your peace. May it strike deep in our hearts this week. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Free PDF Printable (Click to Download)

The readings appointed for Sunday October 31:

Psalm 119:1-8; Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 12:28-34

Translation: Common English Bible

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